• Meet Paula

    self-worth is worth the journey

    Have you ever been plagued with thoughts of never being enough? Do you hear a critical voice in your head telling you that you will never amount to anything? For years I lived with fear, felt the pain of abandonment, dealt with anger and a lack of identity. Do you wonder if anyone will ever love you? Does this sound anything like you? If these questions resonate with you in any way you are in the right place.

    My name is Paula Rivers, a few years ago I was battling with that and much more. Today, I am the founder of "Rivers of Victory." I’m on a mission to use my experiences and expertise as a Personal Growth Coach, Storyteller and Inspirational Speaker in order to help you and others overcome your false belief system. I can't promise it will be easy, what I will promise is to support you through it. As you heal, you will begin to create a new story and discover a new belief system that celebrates and honors the real you. Believe me when I say it is worth it! I am now experiencing joy and freedom that I never thought possible. I became a Life Coach, because I am passionate about helping other women walk in their FREEDOM. I truly believe that with FAITH in God and a strong DESIRE on your part, I can help you achieve Victory over the pain, and you will begin to create the life you have always dreamed of. Let's do this together, your Victory awaits!


    Quick Tips

    Breathing Excercises

    When you wake up in the morning or just before going to sleep take notice to how your body feels and think about how you breathe. Breathing exercises not only aide you in relaxing, it makes your entire body feel like it should when you are relaxed and contributes to a better outlook.

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    Dancing or any other physical activity releases the neurotransmitter endorphins (happy hormones) that causes drops in stress and triggers your mind into feeling optimistic. You don't need to know how to dance, simply move around and you'll be on your way to less stress.

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    Journaling releases the stress of your day by putting your thoughts and feelings on paper. This is one way to free your mind of daily clutter, releasing stress, and allows you to reflect. This will inspire your journey.

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  • Lets Talk About It


    Due to COVID- 19, all Appointments or Group Sessions will be conducted via Zoom.

    As a Life Coach, my desire is to help guide you in your Personal Growth. I will provide a safe space for us to uncover the What's, Why's, Where's and How's of why we get in our own way. I will listen to your specific needs and give you the tools you will need to overcome an array of delicate matters. Our lives become so convoluted with the day-to-day tasks and taking care of everyone except ourselves. It is critical for each of us to slow down and to be present. Slowing down will allow the negative self -talk in your mind to calm and enable you to hear what is truly creating the uneasiness in your life.

    Life Coaches are becoming more preferred and are widely available in the time we live in. Life Coaches are cost-effective for the average consumer compared to a high-priced therapist.

    Sometimes all you need is to attend a group session. I call this group "Women to Women", because all woman can learn from one another to reveal the underlying issues going on in your life. As women most of the time we struggle with the same issues and we can relate to one another even though we come from different backgrounds some of our experiences are similar. Group coaching is a great way to gather with friends and family, as well as meet new women, all while connecting on a powerful life changing journey. I will navigate the group with questions to inspire discussions that are designed to unlock self-reflection and self-connection. You will be able to enjoy a weekend discovering your inner gifts.



    Have you ever felt like you were dealt an unfair hand? A hand of abandonment, physical or emotional abuse, pain or fear of something or someone? Most of us have dealt with something we felt was unfair, and for years carried the emotion that came from those feelings. Those emotions most likely turned into behaviors; those behaviors turned into shame; and I can almost bet the shame changed the journey of your life. You may not recognize them, because they have become a shield of protection. As a Life Coach my soul purpose is to help you overcome those deep-rooted issues. You may not be in a place of sharing those emotions in a group setting. I also provide one-on-one sessions where my laser focus is directly on you, guiding you to make peace with your inner emotions so that you can experience self-love, self-worth and peace of mind. I will support you by providing action steps, encouragement and accountability as you work to know and believe in yourself.



    An empty feeling from the separation of something or someone you loved. It can cause anxiety, depression and a deep achiness of the heart.

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    Can give you a false sense of not being enough, making you feel as though you are not beautiful.

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    Can make you feel as if the world is against you.

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    Makes it hard for you to become attached to something or someone, in fear of losing it/them. In turn you flee.

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    Having the resources, you need to help you navigate through life issues, by making peace with your past.

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    Unlocking your defense mechanisms, recognizing your strengths and weaknesses while believing in yourself. Peace of mind.

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    Immediately upon thinking of experience or knowledge, you probably think of higher education, like college degrees, doctorates or PhD's. Though those are definitely encouraging ways to gain knowledge, however not all experience will come from books. There is an abundance of experience in life's lessons. For example, the ability to survive while the odds are stacked against you. Making an intentional decision to keep striving to become the best version of yourself, and to not allow anyone else's story about you to become your story about yourself. Specifically, my experience comes from surviving in the midst of chaos. I had to become an expert in believing in myself and recognizing my value and acknowledging my self-worth. I had to realize love did not come from someone telling me they loved me, or from me doing things for them to prove I loved them. Love is not someone talking down to me.

    Life lessons: God will never put more on us than we can bare; unfortunately, life does not discriminate. I had to experience God's love for me. God's love showed me my worth, it showed me how to let go of those things that did not serve me well.

    As being an expert in anything, it takes hard work to gain knowledge and wisdom. Just as it does in obtaining a degree. You have to work hard and be willing to excel in your ability to become the person you desire to be. I am certified as a Life Coach helping women obtain personal growth transformation. None of the above would be possible if I did not allow God to be at the head of my life. I give Him all the Glory for my life's experiences!

    Paula R.

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    Surrendering: Trust the Journey, Sometimes we feel life has taking us of course, Trust in your destiny

    Vision: Uproot the Bad Fruit, Dig deep into your inner self, Detox your Soul

    Emotions: Beauty and the Beast, Unmask your Beauty, Confront your Beast

    Communication: Speak your Truth, Sharing your thought, Change your thoughts change your life

    Confidence: Strengthen your Power, Take authority over your life, Know who you are

    Compassion: Listen to your Heart, Stay true yourself, Feel the love and compassion from your heart

    Peace: Faith in God Make Peace with your past, Allow God to guide you to your Freedom

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    What a great accomplishment when you allow yourself to evolve in your empowerment, discovering the values already locked inside of you. By making peace with your inner emotions, you can experience self-love, self-worth, and peace. See, God has already sculpted you with greatness built within, isn’t that exciting!

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    Create time for yourself so you can love yourself more. Discover your inner gifts so you can build the confidence you already possess. Understanding why you're misunderstood so you can feel valued Believe you are beautiful so you can feel empowered. Freedom to love so you can communicate freely

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  • Book Now

    FREE 45 min Consultation

    Begin your journey with an inspirational meeting with Paula Rivers.

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    30-day breakthrough

    Uncover your worth and discover your inner gifts. 4 Week session.

    90-day discovery

    Discover the richness of your worth. Full access to all resources and phone support."Where Are You Now Bonus Sessions."12 Week Session.

    Focal Points

    Do you fear not being enough?
    Have you ever felt abandonment?
    Are you combative, argumentative or negative?
    Do you ever feel angry for no valid reason?
    Do you feel unloved?
    Do you feel the need to be validated?
    Do you feel insecure?
    Have you experienced rejection?
    Did you grow up in a dysfunction family?
    Do you need help in any area of your life?
    Do you feel misunderstood?
    Do you feel the need to always explain yourself?
    Do you dim your light so others can shine brighter?
    Do you walk in the shadows of others?
    Do you wonder why you give so much of yourself?
    Are you interested in reaching your dreams, ambitions and goals?
    Would you like to communicate effectively?
    Are you ready to tell your story?
    Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?
    Is it important to you to change your belief system about you?
  • Motivation

    You Are Enough

    Ingrid Sanders

    You Are Worthy

    Raven Trammell

    Be Fearless

    Tamu S


    Heidi A

    Listen To Your Heart

    Erika D.H

    Have Faith

    Juilsa Diaz


    Sudie Pleasant

    Believe In You

    Jannie Waites

  • Contact

    Rivers of Victory

    600 Kentucky St # 662
    Fairfield CA, 94533
    Telephone: (707) 327-2028
    E-mail: paula@riversofvictory.com

    Lets Engage

    Paula Rivers

    Helping Women Gather Their Thoughts, See Their Vision, And Experience Self Love.

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    my Calendar

    My Calendar Is Updated Weekly. Please Check My Schedule For Availability. You Can Schedule For One On One Or For Group Sessions.

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    Information Coming Soon

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    litora torquent per conubi

    Nulla pharetra dignissim enim. Nam cursus eros ut massa. Proin rutrum. Donec non urna non leo aliquam cursus. Vivamus ornare viverra lacus. Fusce id sapien. Donec rhoncus, enim sit amet sodales elementum, elit odio sagittis erat, at tincidunt leo neque non pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac leo. Aliquam magna nibh, tincidunt ut, lobortis feugiat, consectetuer sed, sapien. Aenean dui eros, tempus non, pulvinar in, vestibulum sed, urna. Nullam eget arcu a pede adipiscing vestibulum. Donec accumsan lacus nec dolor. Etiam porttitor elit. Quisque suscipit, arcu id porttitor vehicula, sem eros congue nulla, id consequat massa diam at dui. Quisque quis massa. Suspendisse metus justo, pellentesque et, sagittis sit amet, consectetuer imperdiet, sapien. Nullam eu neque eget risus porttitor accumsan. Vivamus cursus pretium tortor.

    Nulla pharetra dignissim enim. Nam cursus eros ut massa. Proin rutrum. Donec non urna non leo aliquam cursus. Vivamus ornare viverra lacus. Fusce id sapien. Donec rhoncus, enim sit amet sodales elementum, elit odio sagittis erat, at tincidunt leo neque non pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac leo. Aliquam magna nibh, tincidunt ut, lobortis feugiat, consectetuer sed, sapien. Aenean dui eros, tempus non, pulvinar in, vestibulum sed, urna. Nullam eget arcu a pede adipiscing vestibulum. Donec accumsan lacus nec dolor. Etiam porttitor elit. Quisque suscipit, arcu id porttitor vehicula, sem eros congue nulla, id consequat massa diam at dui. Quisque quis massa. Suspendisse metus justo, pellentesque et, sagittis sit amet, consectetuer imperdiet, sapien. Nullam eu neque eget risus porttitor accumsan. Vivamus cursus pretium tortor.

    Nulla pharetra dignissim enim. Nam cursus eros ut massa. Proin rutrum. Donec non urna non leo aliquam cursus. Vivamus ornare viverra lacus. Fusce id sapien. Donec rhoncus, enim sit amet sodales elementum, elit odio sagittis erat, at tincidunt leo neque non pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac leo. Aliquam magna nibh, tincidunt ut, lobortis feugiat, consectetuer sed, sapien. Aenean dui eros, tempus non, pulvinar in, vestibulum sed, urna. Nullam eget arcu a pede adipiscing vestibulum. Donec accumsan lacus nec dolor. Etiam porttitor elit. Quisque suscipit, arcu id porttitor vehicula, sem eros congue nulla, id consequat massa diam at dui. Quisque quis massa. Suspendisse metus justo, pellentesque et, sagittis sit amet, consectetuer imperdiet, sapien. Nullam eu neque eget risus porttitor accumsan. Vivamus cursus pretium tortor.

    Nulla pharetra dignissim enim. Nam cursus eros ut massa. Proin rutrum. Donec non urna non leo aliquam cursus. Vivamus ornare viverra lacus. Fusce id sapien. Donec rhoncus, enim sit amet sodales elementum, elit odio sagittis erat, at tincidunt leo neque non pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris ac leo. Aliquam magna nibh, tincidunt ut, lobortis feugiat, consectetuer sed, sapien. Aenean dui eros, tempus non, pulvinar in, vestibulum sed, urna. Nullam eget arcu a pede adipiscing vestibulum. Donec accumsan lacus nec dolor. Etiam porttitor elit. Quisque suscipit, arcu id porttitor vehicula, sem eros congue nulla, id consequat massa diam at dui. Quisque quis massa. Suspendisse metus justo, pellentesque et, sagittis sit amet, consectetuer imperdiet, sapien. Nullam eu neque eget risus porttitor accumsan. Vivamus cursus pretium tortor.

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